California Heights is one of my favorite historic Long Beach, CA neighborhoods! If there is an area that says "lovely" this is it! You'll know you're in California Heights when you start to see the beautifully restored antique lamp posts. There are many style of homes to be seen in the area, such as the Tudor, 1938 Ranch and the occasional Craftsman Bungalow. But what I'm most partial to, are the many Spanish Revival homes that feature red spanish tile roofs, welcoming terra cotta courtyards and vines growing over arched doorways.
To enchant you even further, you'll see these historic California Heights homes while driving down picturesque tree-lined streets that have trees reaching across the street to one another in a great arc. *SIGH* Interestingly enough, almost all of my male colleagues that saw the tree photos didn‘t share in my enthusiasm as they immediately pointed out the dusting off their cars would need if parked underneath. Ok, so I may have romanticized it a bit. But I also believe this may fall under the "Men are from Mars" category!
What does California Heights historical preservation entail?
Living in Cal Heights or any historically preserved district, though very rewarding, can be quite challenging for the homeowner. Due to the preservation mandates, the homes are to remain unaltered and "preserved" due to the many architectual nuances and details that reflect the era in which they were built.
Deteriorated features are normally repaired rather than replaced which can be quite costly if the item has been discontinued. When repair is impossible due to damage or condition, replacement materials must match in design and quality among many other criteria. No mickey-mouse jobs here! There's no calling cousin Freddie on those occasions!
What Kind of Buyer Moves to California Heights?
2025 California Heights home buyers are hopefully those who have a great respect for historical preservation, pride of ownership and most importantly are team players. Why team players? California Heights is just one of 17 historical districts located in Long Beach, CA yet it is one of the most distinguishable in all of the city. The line of demarcation isn't as blurred as with other historical districts which could only mean there is stricter enforcement to the adherence of these guidelines and those that will occasionally challenge them.
When buying in a historical district, you are signing on to not only preserve history, but to be a part of it. Does this mean that someone on "the board" who doesn't have a life should be harassing you at every turn, absolutely not! It just means that when you buy in a historical district such as California Heights, you have to play by the rules and color in-between the preservation lines so to speak. Anyone who takes the time to willingly preserve and respect a home, will preserve a street. Those that preserve a street, will preserve a neighborhood. This will undoubtedly help to maintain or increase home values in the area. Increased value while being a part of history and continuing a legacy is the bigger picture.
California Heights Historic District boundaries are:
Bixby Road to the north, Atlantic to the West, Wardlow Rd to the South, Cherry to the East
For detailed information regarding historical preservation guidelines.
For more information about California Heights, please visit
If you would like to get more information about buying in the lovely California Heights neighborhood or for a free Home Value Quote, do not hesitate to call or text me at 310-508-4354.
Be sure to check out my blogs on Bluff Heights and Belmont Heights.